Diet Secrets
Here is the big secret: All "diet secrets" are scams. A healthy diet is NOT a secret.

The internet is full of "Super fast and easy weight loss secrets", which all claim to have this AMAZING secret. Then, after watching a 30 minute long "true story" about the struggles of being overweight, the site pops up a credit-card window. Pay only $49 for a book with the "free" secret. DON'T PAY. Those sites and books are nothing but a bunch of BS! Simple scams to rip-off people with weight problems.

This page is NOT one of those sites. Advice on how to lose weight, should NOT be a secret.

A diet that actually works!
And is relatively easy to stick to and WILL make you lose weight.

You have probably heard of the South Beach diet? South Beach is popular for a reason. If followed, weight loss is guaranteed, even without physical activity. If strictly followed that is. Physical activity would of cause help, but since many people simply don't have time to go to the gym, it's easier to lose weight by learning how to combine food the right way instead.

When combining the right foods, your body will not accumulate energy for later use (store fat), but instead burn faster and give you more energy.

The "secret" is simple: To lose weight, there is one rule, and one rule only:
Avoid Carbohydrates!

The only thing you need to do, is avoid sugar. Easier said than done, I know, especially in the US, where all foods have been pumped with sugar by the industry. But at least the rule is simple to remember.
You can eat as much fat (except trans-fat) and meat and vegetables as you like, just avoid suger. Any kind of suger.
Suger is literally hidden in 90% of all food in the US, and the food industry is doing it's best to hide it. It invents new different names for suger all the time, and they will use any trick in the book to sell you garbage for profit.

Here is an easy-to-remember list:

Soda & juice (Non-diet)
White bread
Cakes, cookies, candy, i
ce cream, etc.
Potato chips
Tomato souse

Soda & juice (Suger-free)
All meats (Beef, pork, fish, chicken, lamb, anything..)
Most vegetables*
Non-potato chips
Whole wheat bread (as low-carb as possible)
Soy milk or other milk substitutes (unsweetened)
Anything without carbohydrates.

*Vegetables to avoid:
Green peas
Sweet potatoes
Winter squash

This diet is only for weight loss. It's not a "health guide". When the desired weight is reached, all you need to do to keep it, is avoiding sugar (carbohydrates).

The hardest part about this diet, for most people, is the "no bread" and "no alcohol" part. Which means, no pizza, no burgers and no beer! ..But you can still have big juicy steakes, just exchange the usual side of potato/pasta with grilled or fried vegetables. With bacon of cause. Making delicious foods with this diet is easy, and it makes it easy to stick to.

Since your body doesn't need to lose more weight, you can add little here and there from the "Avoid list" to your "Enjoy list". It's individual what we would miss the most, but in my case, the bread was the most important, as this opens up for fast-food and a huge variety of Italian dishes, which I missed. You should however stick to Whole-wheat bread, as normal white bread is one of the most fattening foods. Same goes for pasta. Use whole-wheat and not the regular white version.
If you choose to start eating fruit or sweets, or other sugar containing products, try to eat them before noon. That way it will most likely burn, and not be stored as fat.

Well, that's all there is to it.. The perfect diet. The big "secret". I hope it will be of use.

Please leave a comment with tips/ideas, or if you want to share what works for YOU.

The South Beach Diet is a popular low-carbohydrate diet that was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston in 2003. The diet focuses on eating healthier foods, including lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats, while reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates like sugar, white bread, and pasta. The South Beach Diet is designed to help people lose weight, improve their health, and reduce their risk of heart disease and other health problems.

To get started with the South Beach Diet, you will need to make some changes to your eating habits. The first phase of the diet lasts for two weeks and is the most restrictive. During this phase, you will need to avoid simple carbohydrates, like sugar and white flour, and focus on eating lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, and healthy fats. Some of the foods that you can eat during this phase include fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.

Once you have completed the first phase of the diet, you can start to add back some of the foods that you have been avoiding. During the second phase, you can start to eat whole grains, like brown rice and whole wheat bread, and fruits, like berries and melons. This phase of the diet lasts until you reach your goal weight.

The South Beach Diet is not only about reducing the amount of carbohydrates that you eat, but it is also about making healthier food choices. When you follow the diet, you will learn how to choose foods that are lower in saturated fat and higher in fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied for longer. You will also learn how to control your portion sizes, so that you are not overeating.

To make the most of the South Beach Diet, it is important to be active and get regular exercise. Exercise is an essential part of the diet, as it helps to increase your metabolism, burn more calories, and boost your energy levels. You should aim to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, whether it be walking, jogging, swimming, or any other form of exercise that you enjoy.

If you are looking to lose weight and improve your health, the South Beach Diet is a great option to consider. With its emphasis on healthy eating, portion control, and regular exercise, you can achieve your weight loss goals, while also reducing your risk of heart disease and other health problems. To get started, simply follow the diet plan, be consistent, and stay committed to your goals. With a little effort and patience, you can enjoy the many benefits of the South Beach Diet.